Forms and inserting pictures, drawings, etc... based on field entr




I love forms. There, I said it.

But I suspect this answer will involve macros, and those I am not too
familiar with. My latest project is a form letter that will be mailed out
with another page. The other page is a form that will be mailed back once
it's completed based on the instructions in my form letter. However, the
instructions could vary greatly, and since a picture is worth a thousand
words it would be great if I could augment my instructions with various
examples of the completed form. The example would be a picture of the
completed form (a .jpg file) inserted along side the text of my form letter.

To keep things simple though, I only want one example to accompany my
instructions, and based on my instructions. For example, if I enter into a
form field instruction set A, then I want Word to insert picture-example-A;
if I enter set B, then World should insert picture-example-B; and so on.

I could do this with checkboxes, form fields, possibly even dropdown boxes.
What I'm thinking of is something like this, which I know doesn't work, but
hopefully I'm converying the right idea:

Checkbox example :{ if THIS-CHECKBOX is CHECKED then INSERT>FILE>picture.jpg }

Form field example :{ if THIS-FORM-FIELD equals "SECTION B" then
INSERT>FILE>picture-of-completed-section-B.jpg }

Thank you.

- Eric


Hi Eric,

If you use a dropdown formfield to solicit the options, you could use the selected option to trigger which of a number of embedded
images to display. You'd have to make sure the dropdown formfield sets a bookmark and is set to 'calculate on exit'. From there it's
just a matter of inserting a series of fields into your document coded along the lines of:
{IF{REF Dropdown1}= "Option 1" "Image 1"}{IF{REF Dropdown1}= "Option 2" "Image 2"}{IF{REF Dropdown1}= "Option 3" "Image 3"}
where 'Dropdown1' is the dropdown formfield's bookmark name, 'Option #' is the text of the dropdown selection and "Image #' is the
corresponding image.

Note: The field braces (ie '{ }') for the above examples are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy & paste them
from this message.

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