forms and table



I have 2 forms. I would like the second form data to save
to the same table and record as the first form. What is
the best way to set up this senario?


Sandra Daigle

Hi Ashley,

Can you explain why you want to do this? In general this would not be a good
idea since a record should only exist in one table.

John Vinson

I have 2 forms. I would like the second form data to save
to the same table and record as the first form. What is
the best way to set up this senario?


Set up the two forms with the same recordsource... and make sure
they're not both trying to save the record at the same time, because
Access won't be able to tell which of the two conflicting changes is

I must ask: WHY? What's the point of setting up a conflict, when you
could have just one form? If it's for screen real estate, consider
using a single form with a Tab control on it - some controls on one of
the tab pages, other controls on a second.

Sandra Daigle

After reading John's post and then re-reading yours it is clear that I
misunderstood the question - two forms accessing the same table is no big
deal. I often have a list form and then a detail form for a single table.
Granted, as John cautions you don't want to create a situation where both
forms might be open and accessing the same record simultaneously. When I use
a list form and a detail form I generally make the list form read only and
require that all edits go through the detail form.

Often a listbox serves just as well as the list form though in a continuous
form you have some native functionality which is nice (filter by
selection,filter by form, simple sorts, etc).


I need to have room for 80 tabs. The form has limited
number of tabs. Therefore I need a second form. Each tab
has at least one checkbox. So I want to tie all these
checkboxes to one record.

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated,


John Vinson

I need to have room for 80 tabs. The form has limited
number of tabs. Therefore I need a second form. Each tab
has at least one checkbox. So I want to tie all these
checkboxes to one record.

Whoa. Are you talking about one tiny little checkbox for each tab
page? Or 80 pages ALL FULL OF CHECKBOXES!? If so, your table structure
may need to be reconsidered - you're limited to 255 fields in your
table, and you can fit a lot more checkboxes than that on a form, with
or without tab pages!

Step back a bit here. What are you trying to accomplish? What is the
structure of your table(s)?

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