Forms Authentication (Issue with pjFormsAuthUpgrade)



Is there another way to add user information to a Membership Store? Can't
seem to get the pjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe tool to connect to the SQL database.
(Error: Unable to connect to SQL Server database..)

Followed the steps as per the "Configuring SQL Membership Provider forms
authentication for Project Server 2007" article without success.

Thanks for any input!

(Project Server 2007 single server environment - SQL Express)

Ben Howard

Alas no, not for the SQL ASPNET membership provider.

Worth rechecking the connection config in the web.config files (you should
have modified two of these files). Also, if you go to the forms auth logon
page, does it display the logon screen (http:servername/sitename:pORT).

If this works okay, then its probably an issue with the .ini file being used
with pjforms...


Ben -

Great, thanks for pointing me back to the web.config file!! Realised that
the "data source" specification in the config file should directly refer to
the database\project and not just the default, even though it is a
single server deployment.

Again, appreciate the input.


Ben Howard

Assuming this just puts them in the database, presumably they then still need
to be added to as users within Project Server? Looks like a good tool
though, especially things like email password retrieval via email. The other
thing I've found with pjformsauth is that it fails if you have any mandatory
resource enterprise fields - it really is about time someone from MS wrote a
decent GUI front end to manage Project users for forms auth....

Rant over...

Dale Howard [MVP]

Ben --

My understanding is that Microsoft will release a Project Server 2007 tool
to manage resources using Forms Authentication. Given the many bugs and
issues with this software, however, I don't think we should look for this
tool any time soon! :)

Didier Maignan - Interprojet


We have the same issue for 7 days now. Did you succeeded to have
pjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe work only with that trick ? what syntax did you used
for the whole connexion string ?



Just to put my brief experience:

I just could not get my environmetn working with the integrated security
connection string. MsSql server kept nagging about user "." not associated
with trusted sql connection. After changing to Sql server authentication to
the aspnetdb it was working properly.

<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=;User
Id=sa; Password=sa;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb" />
instead of
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data
source=;integratedAuthentication=SSPI;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb" />

You preferably should not use SA user as stated above. And use Servername if
SQL is on other server.



Hi Ben,
I am using the pjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe tool to upgrade all the project Server
2003 users to the Membership store. The below is the users.xml file that got
generated when i ran the pjFormsAuthUpgrade

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<Users xmlns:xsi=""
<EmailAddr>[email protected]</EmailAddr>
<PasswordQuestion>Please add a password question?</PasswordQuestion>
<PasswordAnswer>Please add a password question?</PasswordAnswer>

I run the following command to update this user to the membership store

PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe -log forms.log –url http://machinename/pwa -usersfile

The following is the content of the log file that gets generated.

Reading users from users file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
User users read from users file.
Creating users in membership provider.
User Administrator, Password Q!5@Ym<J, Email Address: (e-mail address removed) created
1 users created in membership provider.
Upgrading users in published database.
Upgrading user logon: Administrator, resid:
7f12c81a-a9a1-4419-8deb-757ee902a4b2, email: '(e-mail address removed)'.
Successfully upgraded or created user Administrator.
Upgraded users in published database.

When i go to see the added users in the ASPnetDb, i see no rows in the users
table in the ASpNEtDB database. Please let me know where i am wrong

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