forms authentication problem



Have a running PS 2007 installation. The PWA site looks like:

Configured forms authentication (using aspnetdb as the membership db on sql
2005) by following MS document. However, recently created a new pwa site
which running in the same SSP, but connecting to a different set of project
dbs on the same db server. The site looks like http://projectserver/pwa2.
When trying to load users got the following error:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin>pjformsauthupgrade -log
..log -usersfile user.xml -URL http://projectserver/pwa2
Exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers(Users
List`1 membershipUsersCreated, String membershipProviderName)
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers()
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgradeApp.Main(String[] args)

I checked the log file, it says user created, and I do see the users in
membership and users table. But if I log in with it, I got the access denied
error page, which I think means the auth part actually worked, but the
project server didn't give it any permission/previlege.

Anyone has any idea? Thanks!


My understanding is in PS 2007, the forms authentication is managed by WSS,
and since it's running under the same SSP as the previouly installed pwa
which has forms authentication configured and working, so I can't think of
any further steps to setup other than just loading the users. I was able to
get to the forms auth log in page right after the provision process completed
for the new pwa site. so the existing one uses:
http://projectserver:port/pwa1, and the new one is using

The fact that I can see the login page, and if I use any existing users in
aspnetdb to log in even though only getting an "access denied" page, makes me
believe the authentication itself is actually done. The user is recognized by
WSS, but not by PWA. I think the forms auth configuration does 3 things to
the users list, load into aspnetdb, load into wss content db, and load into
project server. And somehow, the exception I got by running
pjformsauthupgrade.exe util likely failed in hooking up these users in my
user.xml to project server, but seemed succeeded loading them to aspnetdb and

Don't know what I'm missing here.

Ben Howard said:
Did you set up forms auth for the new Project instance, ie projectserver/pwa2?
Thanks, Ben.

JYX said:
Have a running PS 2007 installation. The PWA site looks like:

Configured forms authentication (using aspnetdb as the membership db on sql
2005) by following MS document. However, recently created a new pwa site
which running in the same SSP, but connecting to a different set of project
dbs on the same db server. The site looks like http://projectserver/pwa2.
When trying to load users got the following error:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin>pjformsauthupgrade -log
.log -usersfile user.xml -URL http://projectserver/pwa2
Exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers(Users
List`1 membershipUsersCreated, String membershipProviderName)
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers()
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgradeApp.Main(String[] args)

I checked the log file, it says user created, and I do see the users in
membership and users table. But if I log in with it, I got the access denied
error page, which I think means the auth part actually worked, but the
project server didn't give it any permission/previlege.

Anyone has any idea? Thanks!


Did you set upformsauth for the new Project instance, ie projectserver/pwa2?
Thanks, Ben.

JYX said:
Have a running PS 2007 installation. The PWA site looks like:
Configuredformsauthentication(using aspnetdb as the membership db on sql
2005) by following MS document. However, recently created a new pwa site
which running in the same SSP, but connecting to a different set of project
dbs on the same db server. The site looks likehttp://projectserver/pwa2.
When trying to load users got the following error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin>pjformsauthupgrade -log
.log -usersfile user.xml -URLhttp://projectserver/pwa2
Exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers(Users
List`1 membershipUsersCreated, String membershipProviderName)
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers()
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgradeApp.Main(String[] args)
I checked the log file, it says user created, and I do see the users in
membership and users table. But if I log in with it, I got the access denied
error page, which I think means the auth part actually worked, but the
project server didn't give it any permission/previlege.
Anyone has any idea? Thanks!- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

My understanding is in PS 2007, the forms authentication is managed by
WSS, and since it's running under the same SSP as the previouly
installed pwa which has forms authentication configured and working,
so I dont' know what else needs to be setup other than just loading
the users. And I was able to get to the forms auth log in page right
after the provision process completed for the new pwa site. so the
existing one uses:
http://projectserver:port/pwa1, and the new one is using

The fact that I can see the login page, and if I use any existing
users in aspnetdb to log in even though only getting an "access
denied" page, makes me believe the authentication itself is actually
done. The user is recognized by WSS, but not by PWA. I think the forms
auth configuration does 3 things to the users list, load into
aspnetdb, load into wss content db, and load into project server. And
somehow, the exception I got by running pjformsauthupgrade.exe util
likely failed in hooking up these users in my user.xml to project
server, but seemed succeeded loading them to aspnetdb and wss.

Just don't know what I'm missing here.

Ben Howard

Hi Jerold,

I disagree, I think it's per site, not per SSP, as you'll have one forms
auth login page per pwa site. so, eg, http://ps/pwa1:99 is the forms auth
site for http://ps:pwa1 and http://ps/pwa2:100 is the is the forms auth site
that relates to http://ps/pwa2 - otherwise when you use the login page how
does forms auth know which project instance it relates to.
Thanks, Ben.

JYX said:
My understanding is in PS 2007, the forms authentication is managed by WSS,
and since it's running under the same SSP as the previouly installed pwa
which has forms authentication configured and working, so I can't think of
any further steps to setup other than just loading the users. I was able to
get to the forms auth log in page right after the provision process completed
for the new pwa site. so the existing one uses:
http://projectserver:port/pwa1, and the new one is using

The fact that I can see the login page, and if I use any existing users in
aspnetdb to log in even though only getting an "access denied" page, makes me
believe the authentication itself is actually done. The user is recognized by
WSS, but not by PWA. I think the forms auth configuration does 3 things to
the users list, load into aspnetdb, load into wss content db, and load into
project server. And somehow, the exception I got by running
pjformsauthupgrade.exe util likely failed in hooking up these users in my
user.xml to project server, but seemed succeeded loading them to aspnetdb and

Don't know what I'm missing here.

Ben Howard said:
Did you set up forms auth for the new Project instance, ie projectserver/pwa2?
Thanks, Ben.

JYX said:
Have a running PS 2007 installation. The PWA site looks like:

Configured forms authentication (using aspnetdb as the membership db on sql
2005) by following MS document. However, recently created a new pwa site
which running in the same SSP, but connecting to a different set of project
dbs on the same db server. The site looks like http://projectserver/pwa2.
When trying to load users got the following error:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin>pjformsauthupgrade -log
.log -usersfile user.xml -URL http://projectserver/pwa2
Exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers(Users
List`1 membershipUsersCreated, String membershipProviderName)
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers()
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgradeApp.Main(String[] args)

I checked the log file, it says user created, and I do see the users in
membership and users table. But if I log in with it, I got the access denied
error page, which I think means the auth part actually worked, but the
project server didn't give it any permission/previlege.

Anyone has any idea? Thanks!


Hi Jerold,

I disagree, I think it's per site, not per SSP, as you'll have oneforms
auth login page per pwa site. so, eg, http://ps/pwa1:99is theformsauth
site forhttp://ps:pwa1andhttp://ps/pwa2:100is the is theformsauth site
that relates tohttp://ps/pwa2- otherwise when you use the login page how
doesformsauth know which project instance it relates to.
Thanks, Ben.

JYX said:
My understanding is in PS 2007, theformsauthenticationis managed by WSS,
and since it's running under the same SSP as the previouly installed pwa
which hasformsauthenticationconfigured and working, so I can't think of
any further steps to setup other than just loading the users. I was able to
get to theformsauth log in page right after the provision process completed
for the new pwa site. so the existing one uses:
http://projectserver:port/pwa1, and the new one is using
The fact that I can see the login page, and if I use any existing users in
aspnetdb to log in even though only getting an "access denied" page, makes me
believe theauthenticationitself is actually done. The user is recognized by
WSS, but not by PWA. I think theformsauth configuration does 3 things to
the users list, load into aspnetdb, load into wss content db, and load into
project server. And somehow, the exception I got by running
pjformsauthupgrade.exe util likely failed in hooking up these users in my
user.xml to project server, but seemed succeeded loading them to aspnetdb and
Don't know what I'm missing here.
Did you set upformsauth for the new Project instance, ie projectserver/pwa2?
Thanks, Ben.
Have a running PS 2007 installation. The PWA site looks like:
Configuredformsauthentication(using aspnetdb as the membership db on sql
2005) by following MS document. However, recently created a new pwa site
which running in the same SSP, but connecting to a different set of project
dbs on the same db server. The site looks likehttp://projectserver/pwa2.
When trying to load users got the following error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin>pjformsauthupgrade -log
.log -usersfile user.xml -URLhttp://projectserver/pwa2
Exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers(Users
List`1 membershipUsersCreated, String membershipProviderName)
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers()
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgradeApp.Main(String[] args)
I checked the log file, it says user created, and I do see the users in
membership and users table. But if I log in with it, I got the access denied
error page, which I think means the auth part actually worked, but the
project server didn't give it any permission/previlege.
Anyone has any idea? Thanks!- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

I don't think the port number is after pwa instance name, instead it's
after the projectserver. so it's like:
http://ps:port/pwa, not http://ps/pwa:port
My first pwa Forms Auth works in the former way. I don't think putting
the port at the end would be recognized by IIS.
I created the 2nd pwa site http://ps/pwa2 under the same SSP. When
using the pjformsauthupgrade.exe util to load users, you do need to
provide the pwa url, it should know where to hook up these users to.
And yes, the login page is different, it's http://ps:port/pwa2, but I
got this page, just getting access denied error.


Ben Howard

You are right of course re the port numbers, a silly typo. However, each
extended web site, plus the associated PWA instance needs to be configured
seperately for forms auth. Each web config file needs updating with the
relevant connection string parameters.
Thanks, Ben.

Hi Jerold,

I disagree, I think it's per site, not per SSP, as you'll have oneforms
auth login page per pwa site. so, eg, http://ps/pwa1:99is theformsauth
site forhttp://ps:pwa1andhttp://ps/pwa2:100is the is theformsauth site
that relates tohttp://ps/pwa2- otherwise when you use the login page how
doesformsauth know which project instance it relates to.
Thanks, Ben.

JYX said:
My understanding is in PS 2007, theformsauthenticationis managed by WSS,
and since it's running under the same SSP as the previouly installed pwa
which hasformsauthenticationconfigured and working, so I can't think of
any further steps to setup other than just loading the users. I was able to
get to theformsauth log in page right after the provision process completed
for the new pwa site. so the existing one uses:
http://projectserver:port/pwa1, and the new one is using
The fact that I can see the login page, and if I use any existing users in
aspnetdb to log in even though only getting an "access denied" page, makes me
believe theauthenticationitself is actually done. The user is recognized by
WSS, but not by PWA. I think theformsauth configuration does 3 things to
the users list, load into aspnetdb, load into wss content db, and load into
project server. And somehow, the exception I got by running
pjformsauthupgrade.exe util likely failed in hooking up these users in my
user.xml to project server, but seemed succeeded loading them to aspnetdb and
Don't know what I'm missing here.
"Ben Howard" wrote:
Did you set upformsauth for the new Project instance, ie projectserver/pwa2?
"JYX" wrote:
Have a running PS 2007 installation. The PWA site looks like:
Configuredformsauthentication(using aspnetdb as the membership db on sql
2005) by following MS document. However, recently created a new pwa site
which running in the same SSP, but connecting to a different set of project
dbs on the same db server. The site looks likehttp://projectserver/pwa2.
When trying to load users got the following error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin>pjformsauthupgrade -log
.log -usersfile user.xml -URLhttp://projectserver/pwa2
Exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers(Users
List`1 membershipUsersCreated, String membershipProviderName)
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers()
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgradeApp.Main(String[] args)
I checked the log file, it says user created, and I do see the users in
membership and users table. But if I log in with it, I got the access denied
error page, which I think means the auth part actually worked, but the
project server didn't give it any permission/previlege.
Anyone has any idea? Thanks!- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

I don't think the port number is after pwa instance name, instead it's
after the projectserver. so it's like:
http://ps:port/pwa, not http://ps/pwa:port
My first pwa Forms Auth works in the former way. I don't think putting
the port at the end would be recognized by IIS.
I created the 2nd pwa site http://ps/pwa2 under the same SSP. When
using the pjformsauthupgrade.exe util to load users, you do need to
provide the pwa url, it should know where to hook up these users to.
And yes, the login page is different, it's http://ps:port/pwa2, but I
got this page, just getting access denied error.



You are right of course re the port numbers, a silly typo. However, each
extended web site, plus the associated PWA instance needs to be configured
seperately forformsauth. Each web config file needs updating with the
relevant connection string parameters.
Thanks, Ben.

Hi Jerold,
I disagree, I think it's per site, not per SSP, as you'll have oneforms
auth login page per pwa site. so, eg, http://ps/pwa1:99istheformsauth
site forhttp://ps:pwa1andhttp://ps/pwa2:100isthe is theformsauth site
that relates tohttp://ps/pwa2-otherwise when you use the login page how
doesformsauth know which project instance it relates to.
Thanks, Ben.
My understanding is in PS 2007, theformsauthenticationis managed by WSS,
and since it's running under the same SSP as the previouly installed pwa
which hasformsauthenticationconfigured and working, so I can't think of
any further steps to setup other than just loading the users. I was able to
get to theformsauth log in page right after the provision process completed
for the new pwa site. so the existing one uses:
http://projectserver:port/pwa1, and the new one is using
The fact that I can see the login page, and if I use any existing users in
aspnetdb to log in even though only getting an "access denied" page, makes me
believe theauthenticationitself is actually done. The user is recognized by
WSS, but not by PWA. I think theformsauth configuration does 3 things to
the users list, load into aspnetdb, load into wss content db, and load into
project server. And somehow, the exception I got by running
pjformsauthupgrade.exe util likely failed in hooking up these users in my
user.xml to project server, but seemed succeeded loading them to aspnetdb and
Don't know what I'm missing here.
Did you set upformsauth for the new Project instance, ie projectserver/pwa2?
Thanks, Ben.
Have a running PS 2007 installation. The PWA site looks like:
Configuredformsauthentication(using aspnetdb as the membership db on sql
2005) by following MS document. However, recently created a new pwa site
which running in the same SSP, but connecting to a different set of project
dbs on the same db server. The site looks likehttp://projectserver/pwa2.
When trying to load users got the following error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin>pjformsauthupgrade -log
.log -usersfile user.xml -URLhttp://projectserver/pwa2
Exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers(Users
List`1 membershipUsersCreated, String membershipProviderName)
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgrade.UpgradeUsers()
at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.FormsAuthUpgradeApp.Main(String[] args)
I checked the log file, it says user created, and I do see the users in
membership and users table. But if I log in with it, I got the access denied
error page, which I think means the auth part actually worked, but the
project server didn't give it any permission/previlege.
Anyone has any idea? Thanks!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't think the port number is after pwa instance name, instead it's
after the projectserver. so it's like:
http://ps:port/pwa, nothttp://ps/pwa:port
My first pwaFormsAuth works in the former way. I don't think putting
the port at the end would be recognized by IIS.
I created the 2nd pwa sitehttp://ps/pwa2under the same SSP. When
using the pjformsauthupgrade.exe util to load users, you do need to
provide the pwa url, it should know where to hook up these users to.
And yes, the login page is different, it'shttp://ps:port/pwa2, but I
got this page, just getting access denied error.
Jerold- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hi Ben,
For sure, I can create a new web app (say on port 90), and then extend
it and setup a new membership provider etc. to make forms auth work,
so it will be looking like http://ps:90/pwa. As a matter of fact, I
did it and it works.

Maybe I should clarify what I did and what I'm try to do:
1. Created a web app and used the default site (for hosting pwa)
2. Created a web app (port 10000) for hosting SSP admin site
3. Setup SSP
4. Created a pwa site thru SSP admin site, provisioned successfully
5. Created SQL membership provider db thru the util
6. Extended default web app to port 81
7. Modified both the default web app site and the extended site
web.config file to point to the data store
8. Changed auth type for intranet to forms and specified the provider
9. Load forms auth users thru the util

After all these, both windows and forms auth works fine. The urls are

To setup another pwa site, I went to the SSP admin site, and created a
new pwa under the same web app(the default one) as the existing pwa
site. The provision was successful, and I'm able to log in by using
windows auth to the new pwa site -- http://ps/pwa2. I'm trying to get
forms auth for the 2nd pwa work as well, so I use the util to load a
new user.xml file, then an exception (in my first post) occurred,
although I do see the uses got loaded into the membership provider db,
but they are not showing up in project server (checked msp_resource
table), and obviously tried loggin with the uses thru forms auth
didn't work.

So the question is, did I miss something here? or is it even possible?
I do see the Micorsoft EPM 2007 final VPC did the same thing as I did,
but only the second instance is empty, so you couldn't really tell if
it would work or not.


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