Form's Caption shows Current Record


Mike Janes

How can I make the form's caption (the title bar) display a field (or
fields) of the Current Record?

For example, I would like to have a person's name show up in the Title
Bar when his/her record is displayed in the form.

Dirk Goldgar

Mike Janes said:
How can I make the form's caption (the title bar) display a field (or
fields) of the Current Record?

For example, I would like to have a person's name show up in the Title
Bar when his/her record is displayed in the form.

Use the form's Current event to set the form's Caption property. For

'----- start of example code -----
Private Sub Form_Current()

If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.Caption = "(new record)"
Me.Caption = _
"Employee " & Me.EmployeeID & ": " & _
(Me.FirstName + " ") & _
(Me.MiddleName + " ") & _
End If

End Sub
'----- end of example code -----

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