Forms do not retain data entered



When I type information in a form get the results and go back to the form it
does not keep the data i have entered. I tried the KB suggestion to change
the datavalue in HK_current_user/software/microsoft/internet explorer/control
panel but the key does not exist. I also tried reinstalling IE7 and that
also did not work.


That sounds like a Q that should be posted to an IE group, and not an Office
group as IE is not part of Office


DL, Please help. I have the trial version of 2007 home and student and
the product key. When i put the number in it goes to install now of
customized. I hit install now, then i try to use the resume templates. I get
modification locked. Please please help. I need to update my resume.

Peter Foldes


You have multiposted this and on top of that you did by hijacking other peoples post in each and every instance.

Please start your own post and do not multipost by hijacking someone else's thread

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