I need help badly, I cant fiqure out what i am doing wrong with my one form
that when i try to create a swith board, i get a compile error and a
debugging starts:
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Me!lblClock.Caption = Format(Now, "dddd, mmm d yyyy, hh:mm:ss AMPM")
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClockStart_Click()
Me.TimerInterval = 1000
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClockEnd_Click()
Me.TimerInterval = 0
End Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Label37_Click()
On my form i have in the properties set on EVENT -TIMER INTERVAL SET AT 0.
Please help since i dont want to delete this db becuase i cant create a
that when i try to create a swith board, i get a compile error and a
debugging starts:
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Me!lblClock.Caption = Format(Now, "dddd, mmm d yyyy, hh:mm:ss AMPM")
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClockStart_Click()
Me.TimerInterval = 1000
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClockEnd_Click()
Me.TimerInterval = 0
End Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Label37_Click()
On my form i have in the properties set on EVENT -TIMER INTERVAL SET AT 0.
Please help since i dont want to delete this db becuase i cant create a