Forms in MSP98



Is it possible to create forms like the Task detail form
or to adapt the task detail form?

Kind Regards

Mike Glen

Hi iLDC,

Welcome to the Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Try Tools/Customize/Forms.../New or Edit a current one (give it a new name).

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Hi Glen,
I know that you can create custom forms, but the
functionality I'm looking for is the one that appears in
let's say the task details form. As header you have task
info, in the body you can assign resources.

I'll look further in the site.

Thx Anyway,

Mike Glen

You're welcome, iLDC. In that case, I don't believe this is possible.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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