This is entirely possible, but will take more thought. Where does the
data associated to the name come from? How many names are you talking
A significant problem with a dropdown in a Word formfield is that it is
limited to 25 entries. A better approach might be to use Userform to
fillin your invoices.
Let's say you have 100 clients with the appropriate data (for this
example I am using "Name", "Age", "Address simply because I have
something similar to what you need arlready in progress).
This information is in a Word file C:\DataBase.doc in a 3 column X 101
row tables. Row 1 is the headings, rows 2-101 contain the data.
Now in the invoice template I create a Userform that contains 1
listbox (contains the list of names) and 1 command button.
The UserForm is named UF4
The template has bookmarks "Name" "Age" "Address" inserted where the
data needs to appear
The invoice template has code similiar to:
Sub Auto_New()
Dim myFrm As UF4
Set myFrm = New UF4
Unload myFrm
Set myFrm = Nothing
End Sub
The UF code is as follows:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim oDataSource As Word.Document
Dim i As Long
Set oDataSource = Documents.Open("C:\DataBase.doc", Visible:=False)
For i = 2 To oDataSource.Tables(1).Rows.Count
Me.ListBox1.AddItem Left(oDataSource.Tables(1).Cell(i, 1).Range.Text,
Len(oDataSource.Tables(1).Cell(i, 1).Range.Text) - 2)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oDataSource As Word.Document
Set oDataSource = Documents.Open("C:\DataBase.doc", Visible:=False)
Dim oNameRng As Word.Range
Dim oAgeRng As Word.Range
Dim oAddressRng As Word.Range
Dim oBM As Bookmarks
Dim i As Long
Set oBM = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
Set oNameRng = oBM("Name2").Range
Set oAgeRng = oBM("Age2").Range
Set oAddressRng = oBM("Address2").Range
i = Me.ListBox1.ListIndex
oNameRng.Text = Me.ListBox1.Value
oBM.Add "Name2", oNameRng
oAgeRng.Text = Left(oDataSource.Tables(1).Cell(i + 2, 2).Range.Text, _
Len(oDataSource.Tables(1).Cell(i, 1).Range.Text) - 2)
oBM.Add "Age2", oAgeRng
oAddressRng.Text = Left(oDataSource.Tables(1).Cell(i + 2,
3).Range.Text, _
Len(oDataSource.Tables(1).Cell(i, 1).Range.Text) - 2)
oBM.Add "Address2", oAddressRng
End Sub
Note: The above code is just scratched together and would required
work to handle such things blank rows in the datasource, canceling,