Forms Resizing


Mary Hartman

Using Access 2000

I have created a control panel which opens mazimized on_load.

Some of the forms its command buttons control are small. I open them

When I click on one of these smaller forms my control panel also
resizes to restored from maximized.

What am I doing wrong?

Lynn Trapp

Put the following code in the Activate event of your control panel.


Mary Hartman

Put the following code in the Activate event of your control panel.


I now have DoCmd.Maximize in on_load, on_resize, on_activate,

The control panel is now like a strob light.

When I open the smaller forms, it still resizes to "restore".
When I close the smaller froms, it now automatically resizes to

There must be a way to keep it maximized and let the smaller forms
open in front of it?

Please? Yes? No?

missinglinq via

On the forms you want to appear on top of your main form, set:

Border Style Dialog
Popup YES
Modal YES

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