The following formula has been used to perform calculations based on values
on a second sheet on the worksheet:
Due to some uncertainty, i've used the formular auditing function to check
the outcome from the formula, to know the step-by-step result. However, each
time the tool audit until ...COUNT(IF(Raw!C$10="-",... then the error message
will pop-up to send report to microsoft. No solution was highlighted after
the reporting.
Formula auditing tool work's perfectly fine for other formulas within the
same worksheet or that sheet itself [example:
Please advice if a patch for the error is available.
on a second sheet on the worksheet:
Due to some uncertainty, i've used the formular auditing function to check
the outcome from the formula, to know the step-by-step result. However, each
time the tool audit until ...COUNT(IF(Raw!C$10="-",... then the error message
will pop-up to send report to microsoft. No solution was highlighted after
the reporting.
Formula auditing tool work's perfectly fine for other formulas within the
same worksheet or that sheet itself [example:
Please advice if a patch for the error is available.