formula bar lost


Boxing Candle

I'm using a G5 powermac, Mac OS 10.4.10 and Office 2004 - Excel
version 11.3.6

My formula bar has disappeared but remains selected on the file menu.
I've tried some of the reset options posted a few years back but none
of them have worked. Can anyone assist with some alternatives?



first navigate to Preferences>View and check that Formula Bar checkbox
is checked
(you will be checked through and through)
if that does not help try to trash your excel preferences files. Look
CLOSE ALL office application before doing so. You even better if you
backup that preferences files prior to deleting. Then restart Excel and
see if that helped.

Boxing Candle said the following on 21.7.2007 4:58:

Sue Abare

I'm using G4 Mac OS x, Version 10.4.6. Excel 2004 for Mac, Version 11.0 (040329) I have the same problem as Boxing Candle. All boxes are checked, no formula bar. I tried trashing preferences using little_creature's path. Can't seem to find what I need. Help! I need to see the formula bar!

JE McGimpsey

Sue Abare said:
I'm using G4 Mac OS x, Version 10.4.6. Excel 2004 for Mac, Version 11.0
(040329) I have the same problem as Boxing Candle. All boxes are checked, no
formula bar. I tried trashing preferences using little_creature's path. Can't
seem to find what I need. Help! I need to see the formula bar!

Two ways:

1) *WITH XL CLOSED*, trash the

~:Library:preferences:Microsoft:Excel Toolbars (11)

file, where ~ is your home/user directory. If XL is open, it will write
the bad prefs back to the new file.

2) With XL open, type Opt-F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
Type CMD-g to open the Immediate Window. Type or paste these lines, each
followed by the Return key:

CommandBars("Formula Bar").Top = 100
CommandBars("Formula Bar").Left =100

then type Opt-F11 to exit the VBE and return to XL. Position the Formula
Bar as desired, close and reopen XL.

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