Formula Calculation Database



I am trying to create a database that will store calculations temporarily
until I buy that item, which then record all figures. I don't know if this
is the correct way, but on my begining form, I enter todays prices in five
seperate testboxes. I need these to store just for one day which I can use a
button to clear these fields not a problem. On the next form I enter mileage
and rate, I need to clear out at the many different places I go to in a day,
again no problem can use a button to clear. Here comes my stumbling part, I
need those 5 textboxes fields from the begining form to be in a listbox or
combobox as one of my selections. View the name but pass the amount I can't
think what I need to get done for this to work right?

Ok now on to what I need below my selection is textboxes for yield and
weight. I will then hit a button to give me buy price This is where i need
all my calculations done (discount, cost in hauling, plant prices). If I am
interrested in it I then will enter what I bought it at and Save it. I need
every bit of information in my calculations to be updated to my main tables,
including todays prices mileage, rate, yield and weight. Including which of
the ten trucks took that load. Now my second question, am I doing this right
by using dummy tables to store my calculations? I didn't want them to be
recorded in the main table in case something gets stored there that shouldn't
or delete something that shouldn't have been. I have six seconds in between
sales and I do not want to store all data until I actually bought it. As you
can see this makes for a few queries. Well my thinking is that it will have
a few queries, but there could be an easier way thats why I am here.

I appreciate your help with the design layout
Thank You


Hello Grizz,

I noticed that nobody answered. No offense, but your post jumped all over
the place regariding some desired activities and details of the user
interface and had pretty well none of the information needed to help or to
relate to the core function of databases which is to store relational
(tabular) information in tables.

Usually calculations are performed (i.e. the results created) from that data
at the time that the result of the calculation is needed, and so the results
usually don't need to be stored and usually shouldn't be stored.

If you want to use a database for this, you're going to have st start by
deciding on and describing the basic structure and nature of the information
that you want to store.



Thanks for responding back. This database that I am trying to get going is a
bit confusing I appologize for not giving the detail, but I didn't want to
drop off a book on the first post and was trying to make it as simple as I
could. Lets say this is for a auction. I have five items that have already
set todays prices. I need to move them from the auction to wharehouse. I
have to figure in the cost to move it, or how high will I pay freight per
mile to get it there. I then need to know at the highest price I can buy it
at, which includes the frieght. Once it gets to the wharehouse, there is a
discount on the rating of the product. Which I figured in with my highest
buying price (estimate). Now my offset on my purchase price helped with the
discount being right on or slightly off. Thats why I was explaining first
form, second form and third form on my original post. My third form is
giving me the buying price. Each of the five items are being put on display
one at a time with seconds in between. Thats why I don't need to store the
todays prices, freight cost, or highest price, buying price and discount
until I actually bought that one product for each sale. Then I need my report
to show todays sales, which load had what, total weight on truck, Avg weight,
Avg Rate, Avg Discount, total items and so on. I guess what i am asking is
Can I use Temporary Tables in Access? Meaning, tables that have no relations
to each other, but to hold all figures until actual sale. Something like a
calculator done in access. Now I was thinking I could use one query to clear
the temp tables, or one query to update the main tables. As for my five
textboxes on the first form, I am thinking I might have to do some type of an
array to pass into a combo box, but I will step over to programming or form
side of these discussions to ask that when I am ready. I hope I wasn't too
confusing, on how this database is going to be, but I don't need to know the
penny savings, rather the quarter penny savings.


well, i have to admit i didn't follow that at all, my dense-ness, i'm sure.
but i can answer your specific question:
I guess what i am asking is
Can I use Temporary Tables in Access?

yes you can. but adding/deleting records frequently will bloat the database.
you can compact, but it just keeps happening, of course. suggest you put
your temp table(s) into a temp database on their own, and link them into
your "real" database - or, if your real database is split FE/BE, link the
temp table(s) directly into the FE db. if you don't need to hold the temp
data between sessions (a session is the period between when the database is
opened, and then closed), or don't need to hold it longer than a standard
time period, such as one day, you can write code to replace the temp db
regularly so you don't have to bother about bloating issues.



Hello Grizz,

Please excuse my directness which is an attempt to be helpful.

My own answer would be 99% the same as my first one.

Except to note that now my vague gut feel is that this may not be a database
application. It's sounding more like an application for Excel or a a
notepad or a notepad in Word, except that you prefer the GUI (forms) and
automation of Access. In your post there seems to be little interest in or
information or knowledge about the core function of databases. While it's
quite possible to do that, your post is the equivalent of asking the
respondents to design an entire car, and based on only descriptions of what
you want on the dashboard.

Again, please excuse my directness which is an attempt to be helpful.

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