Formula Error



I have a spreadsheet where I am trying to sum the totals month on month
depending on which month it is (i.e. as it is now August, I only want to sum
up to August and no further) I have begun my formula:


$AB$2, $Z$2, etc. are the month/year (they are all 2 cells merged starting
from F2)
$AF$1 contains the formula "=TODAY()"
$F$4:$AC$4 is the sum of April to March, $F$4:$AA$4 is April to February etc.

The example above works fine - working back from March to September.

However, when I get to August and type this:


I get an error on the final sum, SUM(F4:04).

Am I being really thick? Is there an easier way of doing it?

Many thanks in advance.


Excel will only allow 7 embedded if statements.
it looks like this would work well as a vlookup staement.


You have exceeded Excel's limit of 7 IFs. Without you merged cells, you could
use a simple SUMPRODUCT.

If the date in F1:G1 (merged cells) is April, is there data in both F4 & G4?

(You should avoid using merged cells if at all possible!)


Thanks Toppers,

The reason the cells are merged in that way is that I have budgets on line 4
and actuals on line 5. For ease of reading F4, for example, contains January
Budget, G5 contains January Actuals. G4 contains no data, nor does F5.

I'll probably have a look at reformatting and try a sum product you suggest.

Damn Excel and the "7 Ifs" rule!


bj - thanks

I'm quite familiar with Vlookup, but never to find values which are "less
than" the lookup_value, or to sum the results.

Is that difficult? - or would i need to rerformat as with Toppers post?


Sorry ignore my last question i missed this one.

I'll let you know how this works


Right - sorry for all of the posting confusion.

the "=SUM(INDEX(F4:F4,0):INDEX(F4:AC4,0,MATCH($A$F1,$F$1:$AB$1,1)+1))"
formula worked a treat.

Thanks to you both for your time.


Alternatives for rows 4 and 5



Harlan Grove

Toppers said:


$A$F1 is a syntax error. Probably a typo for $AF$1.

What do you believe INDEX(F4:F4,0) accomplishes that a nice, simple F4
wouldn't? Simplify this to


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