Formula for average units sold based on # days in month sold


John Sebastian

I need a formula to show the average number of unit sales
made in a month based on the number of days in that month
in which items were sold. For example, if sales of a
particular item occurred in 10 days out of 31 days of
that month, I would like a formula to tell me the average
sold for each of the 10 days where sales took place.
Currently, I have 31 worksheets, each for one day of the
month. In each of the daily worksheets, I have Column K12
through K82 and then K92 through K96 that contains the
total units of a particular line item sold. On a separate
worksheet called Month-End Financial Summary, I have
Column I7 through I77 and Column I85 through I89 where I
would like the formula for "Average Sold Per Day" to go.


=SUMIF(Products="Particular Item",Sales)/COUNTIF(Range,"ParticularItem")
where you have ranges named Products and Sales as well as products with a
"particular" name.

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