Here's another way:
Qty from 0 1000 2000 3000
Qty to 1999 1999 2999 above
price 1,25 1,11 0,97 0,75
consumption price total price
2500 0,97 2425,00
800 1,25 1000,00
1200 1,11 1332,00
2000 0,97 1940,00
1000 1,11 1110,00
3001 0,75 2250,75
2999 0,97 2909,03
5500 0,75 4125,00
B3:E5 holds a pricing table.
A10:A17 is your consumption data.
B10:B17 is your price/qty from the pricing table.
17 is yor total price.
Formula in B10 (copied down to B17):
Formula in D10 (copied down to D17):
Hope this helps.
Sorry for the crap formatting