Could anyone tell me how to write a complex formula that will calculate a
running balance up to a certain value in a given column? We reimburse
eduation expenses up to a certain limit. What I need the formula to do is
calculate a running total until the limit it reached and then tell me what it
left to reimburse. Here's an example: each college course is $1300. The
limit for reimbursement is $3,000. If an individual takes 3 courses, I need
the cell to total the $1,300 for the first two courses but then tell me that
I can only pay $400 for the last course.
Thanks for any assistance.
running balance up to a certain value in a given column? We reimburse
eduation expenses up to a certain limit. What I need the formula to do is
calculate a running total until the limit it reached and then tell me what it
left to reimburse. Here's an example: each college course is $1300. The
limit for reimbursement is $3,000. If an individual takes 3 courses, I need
the cell to total the $1,300 for the first two courses but then tell me that
I can only pay $400 for the last course.
Thanks for any assistance.