Formula for calculation



What formula could I use to calculate total minutes then populate it
in a column for a value in column like 11:40pm -- 12:20am

the sheet may look

A B (total minutes)
11:40pm -- 12:20am {auto cal and population}

I can re-arrange data to make it easier for Excel to look like this
(using 24hour schema)

A B C (total
R1 11:40 12:20 {auto cal and population}

The calculation formula or expression in C1 would have to be something
like ((The first element of B1, that is, 12) - (the first element of
A1, that is, 11);
then, * 60) - (the second element of A1 - the second element of B1,
that is, 20)
= 40

I'm not Excel guru, can you parse/extract partial data set from a cell
like above?


Tom Ogilvy


should work for any period less than 24 hours. format the cell as general
to get the correct answer.

Mike H

Try this in C1,


Format as general.



What formula could I use to calculate total minutes then populate it
in a column for a value in column like 11:40pm -- 12:20am

the sheet may look

A B (total minutes)
11:40pm -- 12:20am {auto cal and population}

I can re-arrange data to make it easier for Excel to look like this
(using 24hour schema)

A B C (total
R1 11:40 12:20 {auto cal and population}

The calculation formula or expression in C1 would have to be something
like ((The first element of B1, that is, 12) - (the first element of
A1, that is, 11);
then, * 60) - (the second element of A1 - the second element of B1,
that is, 20)
= 40

I'm not Excel guru, can you parse/extract partial data set from a cell
like above?


Many thanks, your solution works like a cham.


Try this in C1,


Format as general.


- Show quoted text -

Mike, sorry, yours doesn't, maybe I did not do something right (I
followed your suggested format as well).

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