col. A B C D E F G
Budget AFR AFC HAK AKC Bal. %Left
33,300 7,500 950 3,750 2,500
From the above example;
Link sheet are: ( expenses columns )
col.B = AFR!F6
col.C = AFH!F6
col.D = HAK!F6
col.E = AKC!F6
1 - I need to have a formula for column H, (B+C+D+E)-A
2 - In column G, balance percentage ( remaining amount in
the budget )
Can someone help me solve this problem?
Budget AFR AFC HAK AKC Bal. %Left
33,300 7,500 950 3,750 2,500
From the above example;
Link sheet are: ( expenses columns )
col.B = AFR!F6
col.C = AFH!F6
col.D = HAK!F6
col.E = AKC!F6
1 - I need to have a formula for column H, (B+C+D+E)-A
2 - In column G, balance percentage ( remaining amount in
the budget )
Can someone help me solve this problem?