formula for excel sheet.



I want to use a formula in excel as below described.

i want a formula value in Cell A2.b In Cell A1 is value say if it is $ 500
or above then the A2 should be 75% of A1, if A2 is between 200 to 500 then
A2 should be 50%, if A1 is below 200 then A2 should be 25% of A1, so please
help me out - thanks in advance.


Paste this formula in A2 cell


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Arvi Laanemets


When values in A1 never will be negative or non-numeric, then

When values in A1 may be negative, but the condition 'below 200' applies,
(replace the 1st member in array (-999999) with any of your own.

When values in A1 < 0 must return an empty cell or some string, then

Arvi Laanemets

Arvi Laanemets

Another solution:


When no condition applies, this formula returna 0%

PS: In both answers, format the formula cell as percentage!

Arvi Laanemets

David Biddulph

.... but having tested for A1<200 you don't then need to test for A1>=200,
and similarly for 500.

can be simplified to

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