Tricia R.
I am using a "switch" formula that someone passed along to put indicators in
a custom field that show red, yellow or green based on variance to the
baseline. The problem is, if there is no baseline, I am getting a "?" in the
field. Someone suggested I use an "If" statement to do this. Can someone
please send me a formula that would test for baseline so i can add it to my
formula and show a neutral indicator instead of a "?".
My current formula is:
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No Baseline",([Duration
Variance]/[Baseline Duration])>0.15,">15% Late",([Duration
Variance]/[Baseline Duration])>0,"Late",True,"On Time")
a custom field that show red, yellow or green based on variance to the
baseline. The problem is, if there is no baseline, I am getting a "?" in the
field. Someone suggested I use an "If" statement to do this. Can someone
please send me a formula that would test for baseline so i can add it to my
formula and show a neutral indicator instead of a "?".
My current formula is:
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No Baseline",([Duration
Variance]/[Baseline Duration])>0.15,">15% Late",([Duration
Variance]/[Baseline Duration])>0,"Late",True,"On Time")