Dave Y
I am working on a spreadsheet that will be used to calculate financial
ratios. I have 2 worksheets; one is named data and contains the company name,
year, and the values for certain financial information. An example of the
data worksheet looks like this:
Name RepDate GrossProfit NetSales
Company1 2003 5,000 10,000
Company2 2004 7,000 15,000
The 2nd worksheet is named Ratios and contains the actual ratio name. An
example of how it looks is this:
Gross Profit Margin Ratio 2003 2004
I need help in creating a formula that will look at the comany name and the
RepDate (which is the year) and then get the appropriate values from the data
sheet to calculate the ratio needed. For example the Gross Profit Margin
Ratio is Gross Profit / Net sales. How do I get a formula to say IF the name
= Company1 and the RepDate = 2003 then get me the value for the 2003 Gross
Profit from the data sheet and divide that by the value for the Net Sales
from the data sheet. Would this need to be an array formula. I hope I
explained this properly; if not please ask for more info and I will reply.
Any help with this issue will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Dave Y
PS- I previously posted this same issue a little while ago but I received a
"Page cannot be displayed" error. I apologize if this post appears twice.
I am working on a spreadsheet that will be used to calculate financial
ratios. I have 2 worksheets; one is named data and contains the company name,
year, and the values for certain financial information. An example of the
data worksheet looks like this:
Name RepDate GrossProfit NetSales
Company1 2003 5,000 10,000
Company2 2004 7,000 15,000
The 2nd worksheet is named Ratios and contains the actual ratio name. An
example of how it looks is this:
Gross Profit Margin Ratio 2003 2004
I need help in creating a formula that will look at the comany name and the
RepDate (which is the year) and then get the appropriate values from the data
sheet to calculate the ratio needed. For example the Gross Profit Margin
Ratio is Gross Profit / Net sales. How do I get a formula to say IF the name
= Company1 and the RepDate = 2003 then get me the value for the 2003 Gross
Profit from the data sheet and divide that by the value for the Net Sales
from the data sheet. Would this need to be an array formula. I hope I
explained this properly; if not please ask for more info and I will reply.
Any help with this issue will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Dave Y
PS- I previously posted this same issue a little while ago but I received a
"Page cannot be displayed" error. I apologize if this post appears twice.