Formula for selecting a varying cell reference



I'm trying to tie 2 worksheets together. The first is a data entry sheet,
set up by month. The second is a sheet that I want to pick up monthly data
-- i.e., the most recent month of information entered on the data entry
sheet. Is there a formula I can write in the monthly sheet that will look at
the data entry sheet and go to the last monthly column that has data and
retrieve that? I guess I'm thinking like a flowcharting yes/no process
starting in December -- i.e.,:
Is December blank? Yes -- go to November; No -- use this data -- etc.,
etc., etc.

Any ideas?


T. Valko

It sounds like you want the last (righmost) entry from a row?

OK, what row? What's the cell range?

T. Valko

It sounds like you want the last (righmost) entry from a row?
OK, what row? What's the cell range?

Also, if my guess is correct, what type of data is in the range? Is it text,
numeric or could it be either?

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