formula for subform nested into a subform



Hello!!!,,,I need an urgent help in a formula.

I have the tables:
[Ship] [Invoice]
IdShip (keyfield) ----------------> IdShip
DateShipped IdInvoice (keyfield) --------->
Port AmountInvoiced

I have a form A, which contains a key field "IdShip". Each IdShip contains
more than one invoice, called IdInvoice (key field too), and each IdIvoice
have several Payments.

So, I have form A with IdShip, with the subform showing different Invoices,
and the subform is nesting the Payments subform as a 2nd subform.

What I want, it is to show in the Form A the total per IdShip for amounts
invoiced and paids.

I already did for the invoiced amounts, using a text box:
SumInvAmt =nz(Sum([InvAmount]),0), I add this formula in the form footer of
Subform1, and then in Form A, I used another text box: =SumInvAmt...and works
fine, adding all the invoiced amounts which belongs to the respective IdShip.

but I'm not able (or I dont know how) to do the second (for the subform2, or
in a way to say, for the sub-subform) ,,,,to do a formula which shows ALL the
amounts for the different payments presents for the differents invoices in a
particular Idvessel.

any,,,any help will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance,


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