Formula for Value



I am working on various cells that are repetitive. I have two countries which
have a total amount but need a percentage subtracted.

brazil total $300-50percent =$150
china total $600-30 percent=$180.00
How do i set up a formula based the value of brazil or china in which the
the total for brazil will be reduced by the fixed percentage of 50 percent or
for china by 30 percent?

Don Guillett

a vlookup table for the countries and then something like



Thank you for the response but do you have a very simple example in which i
can build upon since my experience with excell is limited?

Don Guillett

You may send me a workbook to the address below with snippets of this and I
will take a look.


The math doesn't seem right.
$300-50%=$150 is ok
$600-30%=$180 is not ok. Should be 420?

If $300 is in A2, then in B2: =A2-(A2*50/100)
If $^00 is in A3, then in B3: =A3-(A3*30/100)

If you really want 50% of 300 and 30% of 600:
in B2: =A2*50%
in B3: =A3*30%

Regards - Dave.

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