Formula from consecutive rows to alternate rows?


Neville Bailey

I have a worksheet with data in consecutive rows.

I have another worksheet into which I want to insert a formula on every
second row, but referring to each consecutive row in the first worksheet.

For example, on Worksheet 1, in column A:

Row 1: 123
Row 2: 456
Row 3: 789

On Worksheet 2 I want to show:

Row 1: ='Worksheet 1'!A1
Row 2:
Row 3: ='Worksheet 2'!A2
Row 4:
Row 5: ='Worksheet 3'!A3

How do I copy the above formula down?

Jacob Skaria

In Sheet2 cell A1 copy th ebelow formula and copy down as required


Neville Bailey

Thank you Jacob - that worked perfectly!

Jacob Skaria said:
In Sheet2 cell A1 copy th ebelow formula and copy down as required


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