Formula Help - If and Subtotal(???)



I am looking for formula help. I have a list of "Names" in Cells A1:A15
(e.g. A1=John, A2=Jane, A3=John, A4=Fred, A5=John…). In Column B, I have a
list of numbers in Cells B1:B15 (e.g. B1=1,B2=2,B3=3,B4=5,B5=5,...). I would
like to set up a formula in Column C where I indicate that IF Column A
contains John, then sum the numbers in Column B that are adjacent to John's
name. So in my example, there are three instances of "John." The numbers
adjacent to John's name total 9 (1+3+5). Is there a formula for this. My
guess is a subtotal or sumif formula nested inside an IF formula but I could
be mistaken. Everything I tried so far does not work.

John Bundy

Look into the SumIf function, will let you specify thename to look for and
add what is in the column by them.

Peo Sjoblom

=IF(COUNTIF(A1:A15,"John")>0,SUMIF(A1:A15,"John",B1:B15),"no John")

I would personally use


and put the names in D1



Peo Sjoblom

Bob Phillips




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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