formula help needed



new to spreedsheets and a bit stuck

i'm doing a spreedsheet of results for a snooker league. i'm doing a form
table from the results but having a problem i need a formula
the formula i have is
=IF('game 1+16'!C18=1,"Win","Lose")
which takes the result ie 1 point for win 0 for lose and turns it to 1=Win
and 0=Lose
the problem i have is if no data is entered on result page (1/0)(ie field
blank) meaning they didn't play in that game it still comes up with a lose on
form page even though no data was entered how can i keep it blank ?

T. Valko

=IF('game 1+16'!C18=1,"Win","Lose")

Maybe this:

=IF('game 1+16'!C18="","",IF('game 1+16'!C18=1,"Win","Lose"))

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