Formula help please.



I am trying to create a formula to calculate rental return if a property
manager is involved and charges a % of the rent.

(48 Weeks)
R21 S21 T21
Rent Property Manager Y/N Property Managers%
Rent per year

100 y 10%

I have the following formula at this stage.


But as you can see the 'N' part of the forumula works fine, but I cannot
understand how to complete the following equation 100-10%x48 (which =
4,320.00) to replace ,R21*T21*48,

Any suggestions?

Cheers Scott


Scoober said:

But as you can see the 'N' part of the forumula works fine, but I cannot
understand how to complete the following equation 100-10%x48 (which =
4,320.00) to replace ,R21*T21*48

If I understand you correctly, try:


Note: This assumes that T21 is the number 10% or 0.10, not something that
simply appears that way.

----- original message -----


Fantastic thanks!!
JoeU2004 said:
If I understand you correctly, try:


Note: This assumes that T21 is the number 10% or 0.10, not something that
simply appears that way.

----- original message -----



First, I should have incorporated a correction to your original formula,


The OR function serves no useful purpose.

Second, I suspect the following works just as well for you:


This assumes that T21 is empty (not even "") when S21 is not "y" and R21 is
not "N". Under those conditions, the formula evaluates to R21*(1-0)*48,
which is R21*48, which is the same expression returned in your original
formula under those conditions.

And if T21 could be "", use the following:


----- original message -----

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