I have a training database that has column headings of various courses and
row headings of individual staff names. Cells contain the dates they
attended that training. (See below for an example)
I want to enter a formula which will colour the cell if the training is
overdue (three or more years from current date) Can anyone help? Many thanks
1st Aid Fire
joe 10.01.06 9.12.07
mick 5.02.09 3.6.09
row headings of individual staff names. Cells contain the dates they
attended that training. (See below for an example)
I want to enter a formula which will colour the cell if the training is
overdue (three or more years from current date) Can anyone help? Many thanks
1st Aid Fire
joe 10.01.06 9.12.07
mick 5.02.09 3.6.09