formula help



sorry if this is too simple.
I would like to write a formula which will calculate a dose range of
medication based on patient's weight. I would like the data displayed such
that it would read (0.2-0.3 mg). This formula needs to have upper an lower
limits on the dose. THe dose cannont be lower than 0.2 nor higher than 3,
but all values in between should show.

here is what I have so far. I am unable for figure out how to impose the
upper limit. D3 location of user defined patient weight.



Thanks for the suggestion. The formula will not provide the true value for
results that are > 0.2 but less than 3. I would like to have the result show
as a range of true values between 0.2 and 3 but if the values are < 0.2 then
0.2-0.3 should be the out put and if the values are > 3, then 2-3 should be
the output.

any insight?

Roger Govier

Hi Kenneth

If I understand you correctly then
=IF(D3*0.067<0.2,"0.2 - 0.3 mg",IF(D3*0.067>3," 2.0 - 3.0 mg",
TEXT(D3*0.067,"0.0")&" - "&TEXT(D3*0.1,"0.0")&" mg"))
will provide your requirements.


Sorry for the post in 2 places.

Roger Govier said:
Hi Kenneth

If I understand you correctly then
=IF(D3*0.067<0.2,"0.2 - 0.3 mg",IF(D3*0.067>3," 2.0 - 3.0 mg",
TEXT(D3*0.067,"0.0")&" - "&TEXT(D3*0.1,"0.0")&" mg"))
will provide your requirements.


kenneth said:
Thanks for the suggestion. The formula will not provide the true value
results that are > 0.2 but less than 3. I would like to have the
result show
as a range of true values between 0.2 and 3 but if the values are < 0.2
0.2-0.3 should be the out put and if the values are > 3, then 2-3
should be
the output.

any insight?

IF(0.67*D3<=0.2,"0.2-0.3 mg", IF(0.67*D3>3, "2 - 3 mg", 0.67*D3 & "

A V Veerkar

Roger Govier


Thank for pointing out the flaw.
Yes, you are correct, but at the same time your formula is not dealing
with the range that Kenneth posted, which was that the dose could be
between 0.067 x body weight and 0.1 x bodyweight.

My formula should be adjusted to
=IF(D3*0.067<0.2,"0.2 - 0.3 mg",IF(OR(D3*0.067>3,D3*0.1>3)," 2.0 - 3.0
TEXT(D3*0.067,"0.0")&" - "&TEXT(D3*0.1,"0.0")&" mg"))

which would return 2.0 - 3.0 mg for a 42 kilo bodyweight
or maybe

=IF(D3*0.067<0.2,"0.2 - 0.3 mg",IF(D3*0.067>3," 2.0 - 3.0 mg",
TEXT(D3*0.067,"0.0")&" - "&TEXT(MIN(3,D3*0.1),"0.0")&" mg"))

which would return 2.9 - 3.0 mg

The former might lead to a recommendation of too low a dose for that
weight if the minimum were adopted, whilst clearly the flaw in my
original solution, which you so rightly pointed out, could lead to a
dose rate exceeding the maximum recommendation.

If a range is not required for the intermediates, then of course you
solution provides the exact dose rate.

Only Kenneth can decide which of the alternatives he requires.


Roger Govier

"avveerkar" <[email protected]>
wrote in message

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