Formula help



I have a long list of contacts with phone number and a team name and I want
to create sheets of each team member.

Like on "team" sheet I have Green in column I and I want to bring all the
items from Row A-C and G-H to the Green sheet.

Can anyone help with this I would GREATLY appreciate it


Your question is too vague - it is more like a rough idea of a
question. Where are the phone numbers and team names. Does that phone
info come too and how? Is there other info you want too? Where in
column I? Is Green a colour on the screen or a word? Is Green the name
of a team? You have a "team " sheet - are there lots of sheets? Is
info coming from lots of sheets to the Green sheet?? Do you mean Row
1-3 or Column A-C?
See the problem for anyone who can't see what you are looking at?


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