Formula Help



I worked on this for four hours last night and finally gave up.

$10.00 2
$20.00 2
$30.00 2

I want to take the average of column A when it corresponds to an item
in column B. Column B could be a variety of numbers such as 1, 2, 3
4, etc. So I'm not multiplying. I'm simply counting the number of
instances in column B that match a dollar amount in Column A and then
averaging that total.

There are three instances of 2 in column B so the sum of those matches
in Column A is $60. Divide that by three and I should get an answer
of $20.00

Gary''s Student


must be entered as an array formula with CNTRL-SHFT-ENTER rather than just
the ENTER key


Thanks. I forgot to mention something. Your formula works if there
is data in every cell in column A, but there is not. Both columns
will have some blank cells. How should I alter the formula if column
A has blanks?

$10.00 2
$12.00 2

$20.00 2

Now the answer should be $14.00


OK, I must be doing something wrong then. Here is what I have and I
get 7.5 instead of 15 using this formula:


$10.00 2 7.5
$20.00 2

Ron Rosenfeld

OK, I must be doing something wrong then. Here is what I have and I
get 7.5 instead of 15 using this formula:


$10.00 2 7.5
$20.00 2

I can reproduce your results.

To obtain the "correct" answer, by not counting "no-entry" cells in a1:a5, try
this formula (entered normally)


If you have Excel 2007, you can use this formula:



Hey thanks! That got it. Uh, I have 2007. Do the earlier versions
of Excel not support "average if?"

Thanks again.

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