formula help



I am trying to use a VLOOKUP formula but keep getting #N/A returned.

If in sheet 1 D1 abc123 (vehicle registration numbers) is entered then
populate G1 with Harry (Driver)

I have created a lookup table in a seperate worksheet (Reports) with a list
of vehicle registration numbers in column b and a list of drivers in column c

I am using this formula: =VLOOKUP(G1,REPORTS!$B$94:$C$106,2,FALSE) and keep
getting false.

There are no spces in the registrationnumbers between numbers and text.
There are spaces between christian name and surname in C94:C106.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


If your second sentence is correct, then you want the formula in G1
and you want the lookup_value to be in D1, so shouldn't it be:


Hope this helps.



You say the thing you want to look up is in D1. Your formula is looking up
G1. If you want the result to be in G1, you put the formula there and lookup
D1 as in:



thanks fopr your help, have changed the formula but still returning an #N/A
answer any ideas.



The #N/A says the function cannot find whatever is in D1 in
REPORTS!B94:B106. D1 has to exactly match although the comparison is not
case sensitive.
If you copy a value from one of the cells in REPORTS!B94:B106 and paste it
into D1, G1 should show a driver. If it does, that means whatever was in D1
did not match. If it doesn't show a driver, something is wrong with the the
formula. As written here, it should work.

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