formula in Excel 2000 to work %'s



How do i get a percentage figure from a total i give using a formula and what
formula do i use in Excel 2000...I need help i cant figure the quik way to do
this basic math in excel...?????

David Biddulph

If you want to know what percentage A1 is of A2, use =A1/A2 and format the
result as percentage.


Thankyou for your reply...If i was trying to work out say 5% of 1 particular
column, what formula and how would i do that? Any help would be great

Anne Troy

To calculate 5% of the sum of the cells in B column, and assuming you have a
heading in cell B1, then:
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy


I still dont understand!!! I am stuck

Anne Troy said:
To calculate 5% of the sum of the cells in B column, and assuming you have a
heading in cell B1, then:
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy

David Biddulph

If you want to calculate 5% of A1, the formula is =A1*5%.
To use Excel, you need to know what you want it to calculate for you.
You're probably going to need to learn some basic mathematics before you use


Thanks David for your help. I do have more than enough math skills, i just
wanted to be able to do it all on Excel and didnt understand how to use
formulas at all! I am getting there though...Once again, thankyou for your
help...Its quite easy once someone explains it, Cheers!!!

Anne Troy

Okay. I've re-read your original question. I'll try this answer instead:
If you want to find out what 5% of 2000 is in Excel, type this into any
and hit enter.
If the answer is not 100, then hit Format-->Cells, and make sure NUMBER is
selected in the left-hand side, and the number of decimals you want to
appear is chosen.
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy

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