Anne Gilmour
I have a table in a word 97 form. I have inserted simple addition and
multiplication calculations which total automatically and they have worked
successfully, giving subtotal amounts.
However, now I would like a final total at the bottom of the table. This
final total will come from the sub totals (which is a cell in every second
row, which already has a formula attached).
No matter what formula I put in, the final total still stays at zero and
will not update. The 'final total' cell is clicked to update on exit.
I'm using bookmarks to reference cells in the table and I want the cells to
update automatically. I think I'm probably just getting the formula wrong - I
would really appreciate your help.
multiplication calculations which total automatically and they have worked
successfully, giving subtotal amounts.
However, now I would like a final total at the bottom of the table. This
final total will come from the sub totals (which is a cell in every second
row, which already has a formula attached).
No matter what formula I put in, the final total still stays at zero and
will not update. The 'final total' cell is clicked to update on exit.
I'm using bookmarks to reference cells in the table and I want the cells to
update automatically. I think I'm probably just getting the formula wrong - I
would really appreciate your help.