Formula is correct, but result will not show



I'm using Excel 2007.

I have been using a spreadsheet for a basic accounting project and had the
following basic formula: =5x+5y

When I use the pull down function to copy this formula down several rows, it
gives me the proper formula (i.e. =6x+6y, =7x+7y), but the answer is just a
copy of the answer from the original formula.

I have clicked the little table and it only gives me three options: copy
cell, format only, fill without formatting.

The spreadhseet that i am using has worked for over 4 years, and now it no
longer works. I cant get this to work in any spreadsheet now and have even
removed and then reinstalled office.

It's probably something dumb I did, but I am stuck. Please help!


it gives me the proper formula, but the answer is just a
copy of the answer from the original formula

Sounds like calc is set to manual. Try pressing F9 to recalc. Does it
compute properly now? In xl03, click Tools>Options>Calculation tab to re-set
calc mode to Auto. Maybe you could try equiv. steps in your xl07.
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In Excel 07 the steps are:
Click the Office Beach Ball
Click Excel Options button (at bottom)
Select Formulas (on left)
And under the word Calculation make sure it is set to Automatic
Choose OK


This advice and the advice given by Retanos worked. I actually went to the
formulas tab, and made the switch under the calculation options button.
Thanks for the help!

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