I have made a timesheet that will automatically round up to the nearest
quarter hour, but if no time is entered the round column stays as 12:00 am
and calcualtes as such. The first col. has the actual time then the second
col. has the formula =round(E12*24/0.25,0)*0.25/24 which works to round the
time, but, as I said, if nothing is entered in the time, the round col. shows
12:00 am.
quarter hour, but if no time is entered the round column stays as 12:00 am
and calcualtes as such. The first col. has the actual time then the second
col. has the formula =round(E12*24/0.25,0)*0.25/24 which works to round the
time, but, as I said, if nothing is entered in the time, the round col. shows
12:00 am.