formula issue



I get #value! after using vlookup.......Im trying to multiply the price per
unit by the quantity and then add the shipping the formula is
=sum(F18*B18+G18) F18 gets its info from the vlookup formula which is
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C18,Table1,3,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(C18,Table1,3,FALSE)) any

Lars-Åke Aspelin

I get #value! after using vlookup.......Im trying to multiply the price per
unit by the quantity and then add the shipping the formula is
=sum(F18*B18+G18) F18 gets its info from the vlookup formula which is
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C18,Table1,3,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(C18,Table1,3,FALSE)) any

It looks like you have provided a value in C18 that is not found in
the table and thus giving the cell F18 to hold "".
Trying to multiply that "" with the number in B18 gives #VALUE! error.

So, what is the expected result in the case C18 can not be found in
the table?


Dave Peterson

First, you don't need =sum()

would work ok. But I'd use ()'s:

You could change the =vlookup() to return a 0 instead of text ("" is text).

Or you could change the formula:


Thanks for the options but Im still getting #value! it says it refers to
empty cells
any more ideas?

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