Formula - Marks in Group


Zainuddin Zakaria

Hi all...

I need help on a 'formula' for my students' marksheet.

For them to pass the whole exam, a student MUST PASS 7 SUBJECTS from 3

The grouping is like these :

A) Must pass ALL 4 subjects in Group A - marks are in cells D7, F7, H7, J7

B) Must pass AT LEAST 2 OUT OF 3 subjects in Group B - marks are in cells
L7, N7, P7

C) Must pass AT LEAST 1 OUT OF 2 subjects in Group C - marks are in cells
R7, T7

Thank you so much

Emma Hope

Hi Zainuddin,

It may not be the prettiest or most efficient way, i'm sure someone else
will post if there is a better way but i'd add one or more helper columns.

For example, say your pass mark is 70 but you could change this to whatever
you need.

In cell A7=if(D7 >= 70, 1, 0)+if(F7 >= 70, 1, 0)+if(H7 >= 70, 1, 0)+if(J7 >=
70, 1, 0)
In cell B7 =if(L7 >= 70, 1, 0)+if(N7 >= 70, 1, 0)+if(P7 >= 70, 1, 0)
In cell C7 = if(R7 >= 70, 1, 0)+if(T7 >= 70, 1, 0)+
Then in cell D7 =if(A7= 4, 1, 0)+ if(B7>=2,1,0)+if(C7>=1,1,0)
Then in cell E7 = if(D7=3, "Pass", "Fail")

You could amalgamate some of these together to make it 'prettier' but i hope
it helps.


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