Formula needed: argument changes as more data is added



The math is simply the difference between the values in two cells, but one of
the cells will change each time the table is updated.

For example, Row 1 headers are Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan, etc. and the last column
is Prior Year. In At any given time, I want the value for the most recent
month minus the prior year. How do I get it to automatically pick up the
last non-blank cell in the row?


Mike H


This will return the contents of the last populated cell in row 2


or to shorten the range



Mike H


Well we can only guess what result you expect from 'and so on' but there are
6 combinations of yes/no/na and one way is to put them in a 2 column table
like this and I used column L and M. Column L are the combinations and M are
what you want to return.

Col L Col M
yesyes aa
yesno bb
yesNA cc
nono dd
nona ee
nana ff

You can then use vlookup



T. Valko

Try this:


That will return the *last numeric value* from left to right in row 1,

Mike H


wrong thread

Mike H said:

Well we can only guess what result you expect from 'and so on' but there are
6 combinations of yes/no/na and one way is to put them in a 2 column table
like this and I used column L and M. Column L are the combinations and M are
what you want to return.

Col L Col M
yesyes aa
yesno bb
yesNA cc
nono dd
nona ee
nana ff

You can then use vlookup



T. Valko

Let's see what your idea of the *last* number is:


Which do you consider to be the *last* number?

The formula I suggested will return 22 as the last number.


Last number searching from right to left in H - D:

Column Contents of Cell

C Formula in question
D - G No values at this time (future dates)
H Last value entered

T. Valko

In other words, you want to find the *first* number from left to right:


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