I have the following formula thats pissing me off, =COUNTIF
('Vendor Discrepancies'!A3:A40001,"001")+COUNTIF
('Consignment Discrepancies'!A3:A40001,"001") everytime I
try to change the range the formula doesn't work no value
error is returned, the formula itself shows up in the
cell. I have tried formatting the cell to text and then
number and it still doesn't work, the funny thing is that
it works when i tried not changing it, even worked when i
drag and fill the formula to other cells. I even have the
cell format as text on column A where the codes are at,
someone please help me, this is rising my blood pressure.
('Vendor Discrepancies'!A3:A40001,"001")+COUNTIF
('Consignment Discrepancies'!A3:A40001,"001") everytime I
try to change the range the formula doesn't work no value
error is returned, the formula itself shows up in the
cell. I have tried formatting the cell to text and then
number and it still doesn't work, the funny thing is that
it works when i tried not changing it, even worked when i
drag and fill the formula to other cells. I even have the
cell format as text on column A where the codes are at,
someone please help me, this is rising my blood pressure.