Formula not working


Connie Martin

Why does this formula not work?

NonWorkDays2008 is a defined name in another worksheet of the same workbook.

I had the NonWorkDays2008 as a defined name in another workbook and this
workbook linked to it but that's a nuisance with a file that's on the move
between computers and even companies! So, I put the NonWorkDays2008 in the
same workbook, different sheet, and defined it as such---NonWorkDays2008. I
removed the link in the formula to the other workbook and inserted the name
from this workbook in the other worksheet. But no matter what the dates are
in the cells to which the formula refers, the answer remains as it was when
it was linked to the other workbook.

This is a mystery. I can't figure it out. Can anyone? Connie

Connie Martin

I found the answer! Someone had turned "calculation" to "manual" in
Tools/Options. That is why no matter what dates I used the original answer


Gord Dibben

Not necessarily "someone".

Tools>Options>Calculation can be Auto or Manual.

Excel takes the Calculation mode each session from the settings on the first
workbook opened in that session.

i.e. If you saved Book1 with calc mode in manual and opened it first, calc
mode would be in Manual.

If you saved Book2 with calc mode in auto and opened it after Book1, Book2
would be in manual mode(Excel ignores the auto calc mode in this case).

If you close Book1 before opening Book2, Book2 will be in auto calc mode.

Confusing enough? <g>

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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