Formula or else...



This I do it very often and wondering if excel can help me either with
formula, function, permutation...
I need to schedule X amount of employees to work 3 shifts a day ( 8 hrs )
in a week.
Q how many employees do I need ?
taking in consideration that no more than 40 hours a week per employees.

Also if I do it different, lets say, How many employees for:
2 shifts a day (12hrs), 7 days, 36 hours per employee.

I think combination or permutation is the key, but how do I start?

Mike H


Something alonge these lines

Hours to work
=2*12*7 which retuens 168

Divide by max hrs per employee
=2*12*7/36 returns 4.66

You can't have .66 of an employee so round to a multiple of 1 and the whole
formula becomes:-

If the last formula produces a #NAME error then
Check the analysis toolpak



I have some 20 hours a week employees, but I think I can work with this
simple formula you gave me very well.
Thanks Mike.

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