Formula - Period Quarter End



I Need a formula to give me the period quarter end. The date fields I have
to use in the formula are:

Cell B35: 2007

Cell B54 (references period.year): 007.2007

I would like results to show as: 006 / 2007
The formula needs to take into account cross years, so if data was pulled
for February 2007, the "Period Quarter End" would be 12 / 2006.

Here is the formula I was trying to use. Obviously, it doesn’t work.

=IF(AND(LEFT(B54,3)>6,LEFT(B54,3)<10),006 / B35,"")

Any ideas???

Barb Reinhardt

Let's say the date field you are referencing is C17. (has February 2007)

=TEXT(IF(MONTH(C17)<6,12,6),"000") & " / " &

Barb Reinhardt


Barb, The formula didn't work. Keep in mind that the period/date field is
not formatted as a month and year. It is a period (007) and year (2007) and
is in the format 007.2007. The report is run throughout the year, so the
period will change monthly and I need to go back to previous quarter.
Quarter period/years in 2007 would be: 012/2007, 003/2007, 006/2007,



The headers on the spreadsheet look like this:

Account Current Period Previous Qtr Previous Period Current Period
Previous Yr
2134545 007 006
006 / 2007

As mentioned previous, the data I have to pull from is:

Period: 007.2007
Year: 2007

I have all the formulas worked out except the previous quarter end (12 /
2007, 003 / 2007, 006 / 2007, 009/2007). In the example above, the previous
quarter end date would 006 / 2007.


I received a formula that works.

Thanks for the help.

=IF(ROUNDUP(A1/3,0)=1,"012 /
"&YEAR(NOW())-1,TEXT((ROUNDUP(A1/3,0)-1)*3,"000")&" / "&YEAR(NOW()))

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