Formula problem



Can anyone come up with a formula for re-calculating age with every birthday
and also increasing the number of months of employment each month? I'm
assuming I have to calculate this in Excel before I can bring the worksheet
into PowerPoint...

Birthday Age Mths employed
11/20/1952 55 23


For years use
=datedif(birthday, today(),"y")

and for months
=datedif(dateofjoing, today(),"m")

repacle birthday and dateofjoining with actual dates or cell addresses where
these dates are available.


The first part for age worked like a charm (i did use the cell number for the
birthdate); however, Whenever I put in an actual date for the date of
joining, the number of months comes out at 1304. I've tried different dates
to see if it calculated differently, but it would not give me the correct
total number of months employed.


I finally got the second one to work by adding a column with the start date
and working the formula off that cell. Then I just hid that extra column so
it would not show in my presentation. Thanks again. Big Help!

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