Formula problem


Nancy E

I'm working on a cash flow chart and I can't figuare out how to get the
formula to work. I have been try to use IF functions. Here is the problem.
Cash balance must be kept at $50,000 if lower loan needs to be increased, if
cash balance is over $50,000 then amount over goes back to loan. I also must
deduct interest before additional money is taken or given back. So far I have
come up with the following formula which worked until we got over $50,000 and
I need to put money back.
=IF(J46<=50000,((50000+J49))-J46) Thanks for any help. Nancy E

Erin Searfoss

i'm not sure what is in J49 so I can't tell exactly what you are trying to do
with this formula, but you are missing the final argument of the function
which is to tell Excel what to do if the first argument is false, i.e.
J46>50000. As written this will simply result in FALSE when you get over

Nancy E

J49 is the interest on the loan from the previous month. I need to deduct the
interest from the excess of 50,000 before I apply it to the loan. And you are
completely correct what I'm getting is FALSE. Thanks for any help you can
give me. Nancy

Erin Searfoss

I think I may be missing something because I'm not sure why you need the IF
statement. If you simply use =(50000+J49)-J46 it will show as a negative if
J46-J49 is > $50K. If you're trying to accomplish something else you'll need
to add the calculation to be performed if the first argument is false.
Something like this.


Here it is redundant, but you would change the last (50000+J49)-J46 to be
the computation you need.

Nancy E

It worked. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Your expanded formula
is the one I needed. Thanks again, Nancy

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