A consultant created these formulas for me and I don't know what they mean.
Would one of you VBA experts please make a stab at interpreting these two
formulas, please.
IIf([Baseline Start]/50000000>10,"Not Baselined",IIf([Baseline Start]<Date()
And [Actual Start]/50000000>10,"Should Have Started",""))
IIf([Finish]=[Actual Finish],-9999,IIf([Baseline
Finish]/50000000>10,-9998,(projdatediff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])/480)))
Would one of you VBA experts please make a stab at interpreting these two
formulas, please.
IIf([Baseline Start]/50000000>10,"Not Baselined",IIf([Baseline Start]<Date()
And [Actual Start]/50000000>10,"Should Have Started",""))
IIf([Finish]=[Actual Finish],-9999,IIf([Baseline
Finish]/50000000>10,-9998,(projdatediff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])/480)))