Can you help me with this code. If I type it in the cell, it works. But I
can't get the VBA code to work. I get 1004 error. It has to do with the
"Month" variable. It won't accept the text "Mo 1*" in the formula in VBA
Sub FillEarnedvalue()
Dim MonthNo As Integer
Dim Month As String
MonthNo = 1
Month = "Mo " & MonthNo & "*"
Do While MonthNo <= Sheets("Estimate").Range("O2")
Month = "Mo " & MonthNo & "*"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
Hrs"",Estimate!R5C23:R5C76," & Month & "))+RC[-1]"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
MonthNo = MonthNo + 1
End Sub
can't get the VBA code to work. I get 1004 error. It has to do with the
"Month" variable. It won't accept the text "Mo 1*" in the formula in VBA
Sub FillEarnedvalue()
Dim MonthNo As Integer
Dim Month As String
MonthNo = 1
Month = "Mo " & MonthNo & "*"
Do While MonthNo <= Sheets("Estimate").Range("O2")
Month = "Mo " & MonthNo & "*"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
Hrs"",Estimate!R5C23:R5C76," & Month & "))+RC[-1]"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
MonthNo = MonthNo + 1
End Sub