formula required



hi I don't know if this can be done but here goes,
I have the ages of certain members of a club and I want to label them in the
next column as either :- under 12, 12-18, oap or adult. I then need to
allocate a payments due colunm depending on there status ie under 12s £4,
12-18 £6. I have tried in vain and cannot do but it would make it so much
easier for me if it could be done.
Many thanks


Assume that the name is in A2, age in B2, and then in C2, put thi


Then copy this formula down column C.

(I'm assuming "oap or adult" is one category).


Frank Kabel

Hi Jim,

you can try the following nested IF formula (assuming that column A
holds the member's age) for labelling
=IF(A1<12,"under 12",IF(A1<19,"12 - 18","oap or adult"))

For the payment allocation just replace with label with the correct
payment amount. Then just copy this formula for all rows in your list


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